Kenyan Recce Squad officer shoots lover 53 times, kills himself
Reece Squad
PHOTO: The Elite Kenyan Recce squad.PHOTO/ELKANA JACOB
Oct,11-2016 13:18:06
A Recce Squad officer used an M16 rifle to fire 53 bullets at his girlfriend before turning the gun on himself in his house at the headquarters in Ruiru.

US-trained commando Kennedy Mwarabu shot Nthenya Katheka last Friday after she allegedly told him she was leaving him to marry someone else.

The two had also reportedly quarrelled over Sh420,000 Katheka allegedly took from Mwarabu.

Investigators say Mwarabu skipped work on Friday. He had been assigned to the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport.

Detectives said Mwarabu sent a text message to his wife in Mombasa at 7.30am and told her to call his colleagues at 10am to find out what will have happened.

He shot his lover shortly after 9.15 am.

Recce Unit officers said they tried in vain to call Mwarabu after hearing gunshots from his house. They said they went to his house and pleaded with him to surrender but he refused to open the door.

Detectives said they recovered Katheka's sim card. The card was crushed. Investigators say this is an indication the two might have quarrelled over the contents of the phone.

They said one plate of Ugali was untouched. A neighbour told the Star Mwarabu and Katheka had been living together for close to three months after the cop returned from the US.

Katheka reportedly moved out of Mwarabu's house two weeks ago and was an occasional visitor. Neighbours say she sometimes spent the night then left. Detectives said Katheka went to Mwarabu's house last Thursday.

Sources say Mwarabu was an introvert.

They said Mwarabu and Katheka quarrelled on several occasions, but managed to resolve their differences amicably.
