Security contractors in Afghanistan fund Taliban
Security contractors in Afghanistan fund Taliban
BBC News
Heavy US reliance on private security in Afghanistan has helped to line the pockets of the Taliban, a US Senate report says. The says this is because contractors often fail to vet local recruits and end up hiring warlords. The report demands amp quot immediate and aggressive steps amp quot to improve the vetting and oversight process. Some 26,000 private security Heavy US reliance on private security in Afghanistan has helped to line the pockets of the Taliban, a US Senate report says. The says this is because contractors often fail to vet local recruits and end up hiring warlords. The report demands amp quot immediate and aggressive steps amp quot to improve the vetting and oversight process. Some 26,000 private security Heavy US reliance on private security in Afghanistan has helped to line the pockets of the Taliban, a US Senate report says. The says this is because contractors often fail to vet local recruits and end up hiring warlords. The report demands amp quot immediate and aggressive steps amp quot to improve the vetting and oversight process. Some 26,000 private security