Let's end the carnage with common-sense gun laws-NGUGI
Gun chart- mother Jones
Simon Ngugi
Mar,06-2018 11:04:07
On February 14, the serenity of a city voted as Florida's safest was shattered when shots rang out at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland.

In the midst of the frantic and frenetic chaos that followed it became clear that the nation was witnessing another senseless act of violence within the confines of a learning institution that has become all too commonplace.

In what has become almost de rigueur, the messages of condolences started streaming in. I do understand that it is a common and human reaction to send our thoughts and prayers, especially when our lawmakers do that. But I must point out that my personal reaction to these messages is: We do not need your thoughts and prayers. We need action and a common-sense approach to gun control laws.

There are thousands of loved ones whose tears fall by night and day, in secret and in silence as they grieve for these children who were gunned down doing what they do.

The list is endlessly painful, from Columbine High School to Stoneman Douglas, Virginia Tech to Sandy Hook Elementary and many places in between. America has continued to witness a rise in the killing of innocent and defenseless children, all while politicians a offer us "thoughts and prayers" until next time.

Even as we defend the Second Amendment, let's be realistic about it.

Let us remember that the greatest commandment is love and let us be one another's keeper.

Simon Ngugi

