The Media has a duty to serve....NGUGI
PHOTO: In the many faces of media,responsible Journalism is critical. IMAGE Courtesy :
Sep,05-2019 10:23:07

In the event of public need, media houses play a critical role either in disseminating crucial information about the needs as well as critical information to keep all informed and on the same page.

I bear no illusion that with technological advances, there exists a growing trend that pits responsible journalism against irresponsible and sensational journalism, deriding the fourth estate's stake at what is their rightful place in society. I understand the dangers of irresponsible journalism, but that does not trade off the rights of responsible journalists who I agree must join the fight against the bad moles in their profession.

The above being stated and with the advent of fake news infiltrating the social media scene posing as mainstream media with something to bring to the table, the society has a duty to sit back and allow responsible journalists to do their jobs.

Responsible journalists whether local or international are bound by ethical standards which demand due diligence in their research, investigative work and reporting. There is no room to allow personal vendetta to cloud their work as this makes them subjects of their work.

The community on the other hand must allow journalists to be journalists just as we allow the clergy to be clergy, teachers to be the same and the list is endless. News reporters when following the strict protocol that demands due diligence do not need the mandate of the consumers to write or report a story.

It is therefore an unfair double standard for members of the community to seek to curtail the service rendered by media houses to the community when it supposedly serves them. It is hypocritical to hide behind the privacy veil on one occasion and seek out the same media houses to propagate community needs and causes on another.

Each media house worth its salt must have an editorial board which acts as a safety net by weighing all news contents and opinions before going to press to ensure that they are fit to print. This, ladies and gentlemen represents what responsible journalism is all about.

The fourth estate is here to stay as it works to hold the community accountable when needed be it by keeping its leaders honest or calling for a collaborative approach to common problems. It is the media's responsibility to hold errant leaders' feet to the fire, propagate news that inform and educate the public all without fear or favor.

Let us remember that even the best systems if not checked can turn draconian. Responsible journalists therefore have a duty to serve in public interest and not just when the news reporting is a comfortable subject, but even when it demands a little bit of cringing because through the lines especially in hard times, the community will find an avenue to explore common solutions to common problems.