Bwanika vows to rehabilitate homosexuals, set up Diaspora
Dr. Bwanika
PHOTO: Uganda Presidential candidate Abed Bwanika consults his bodyguard during a procession in Kampala yesterday. Photo by Alex Esagala/Monitor
Paul Tajuba
Nov,08-2015 18:01:54
KAMPALA, Ugunda--People's Development Party (PDP) president Abed Bwanika has promised victory in 2016, vowing to tap into six million people who did not turn up to cast their vote in 2011.

The 48-year-old veterinarian, politician and pastor, said when elected president, he will set up a moral re-correction centre that will tackle social evils such as corruption and homosexuality since "Uganda is no area for homosexuality".

"We cannot accept to be pushed into homosexuality by the West. All homosexuals (in Uganda) will be rehabilitated because they have demons and we have specialists to chase out demons," Dr Bwanika told his youth-dominated audience at his maiden rally in Nsambya sharing hall, Kampala, after nomination yesterday.

The presidential candidate, who is giving the top seat a shot for the third consecutive time, promised to rename all roads, lakes and parks, among others, after Ugandans who have contributed to the country's development.

Dr Bwanika singled out fallen Bunyoro Kingdom's Omukama Kabalega, who resisted the colonists, saying a museum will be built in his honour.

He promised to increase the agriculture budget to 15 per cent of the national budget, a sector he said employs more than 70 per cent. Dr Bwanika also promised to revive cooperatives and expand road networks across the country and shift the capital from Kampala to Nakasongala District for proper city planning.

In the education sector, Dr Bwanika promised to increase teachers' salaries, change the curriculum that can produce thinkers and innovators to tackle unemployment and set up a commission of inquiry to investigate all government officials drawing salaries but do not have qualifications.

He said he will cut the time learners spend in school to enable them learn other skills.

As part of his diplomatic relations with other countries, Dr Bwanika said he will seek trade as opposed to war with other countries.

He also promised to set up a specific Diaspora ministry that will contribute heavily to the national budget.
