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Director to pay wife for ‘misusing’ her body
Director to pay wife for ‘misusing’ her body
PHOTO:Mittle Chetan Pavani had moved to court in August to sue Chetan Hemant Kumar for allegedly dumping her after what Pavani claimed to have been misuse of her body and by standard digital

Pkemoi Ng'enoh

Oct,31-2016 15:46:15
A professor who moved to court to sue her rich husband for marrying and dumping her has won the first round of her case.

Mittle Chetan Pavani had moved to court in August to sue Chetan Hemant Kumar for allegedly dumping her after what Pavani claimed to have been misuse of her body and life.

But now the Milimani Chief Magistrate court has ordered the director to pay upkeep and other arrears having lived with her for three months after their grand wedding in India.

Mittlle was demanding Sh200,000 monthly upkeep in an affidavit sworn before the High Court where she claims to have quit her job as a college professor to be a wife and mother in Kenya where he has his roots and business.

But the court ruled that "the respondent be and is hereby ordered to pay Sh100,000 per month towards the maintenance of the applicant to cater for rent and upkeep".

The court further ordered that "the respondent pay the rent arrears for the house occupied by the applicant and will have cost of the application".

The Professor claims that she was left in a Sh50,000 per month house along Waiyaki Way, Westlands where rent arrears accumulated for four months. Mittle claims they met on a dating site before shifting communication to Facebook where exchange of contacts led to an affair and eventually their short--lived marriage.

Mittle said that besides her husband's relatives mistreating her, they also began demanding money from her parents in India.

The court warned the respondent against disobeying court orders as it would lead to penal consequences including detention.
