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OPINIONS: Embrace Kiswahili to fast-track EAC regional integration
PHOTO:Flags of East African countries making up the EAC. PIC BY COURTESY

Samuel Mweru Byachi

Jan,26-2017 17:06:11
Ugandans should speedily embrace Kiswahili rather than cry foul if we are to fast-track the East African integration.

I have attended debates by our Kiswahili students in schools and universities and there are all the indicators that we now have a good crop of Kiswahili speaking population.

The argument, therefore, by our EALA legislators resisting Kiswahili as an official language of the assembly is untenable.

It is actually embarrassing that some of our EALA legislators argue against it. All aspiring EALA legislators would move fast to master the language if Kiswahili is made compulsory.

I have done post-graduate studies at the Islamic University in Uganda where Arabic is compulsory and I can testify that students learn the basics and pass both the written and oral examinations yet Kiswahili is much easier.

Government should start considering making it compulsory for all interviews in the public service to be in Kiswahili so that our people take the language seriously. The country cannot afford the 'laissez faire' attitude on a serious matter like this.

We should, therefore, swallow our English arrogance and take Kiswahili very seriously as a people so that we can even use it in business, offices, and other public places such as hospitals, schools and Parliament.

Samuel Mweru Byachi,
