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Unidentified Toddler Featured in PSA on Billboards
Unidentified Toddler  in Boston

Mass. DOT

Jul,20-2015 22:54:35
Massachusetts State Police and the Suffolk County District Attorney's office are working with MassDOT to expand outreach to the public through digital billboards seeking assistance identifying the unknown toddler whose body was found on Deer Island last month.

A total of 84 MassDOT-permitted billboards in 50 locations across Massachusetts (including the one pictured here, on I-95 in Canton) will feature dedicated tip lines that may be reached by phone or text message along with a computer-generated composite image created by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Tipsters are reminded not to text while driving.

Anyone with information on the girl's identity may text the word GIRL followed by their tip to the number67283.The text-a-tip line is completely anonymous and does not provide authorities with any information about the tipster. A phone line is also available at617-396-5655. All tips will go directly to the Suffolk County State Police Detective Unit, which is investigating the little girl's death.

A woman walking her dog along the western shore of Deer Island found the child's body in a trash bag on the afternoon of June 25. The girl is believed to have been about 4-years-old, had brown eyes and brown hair, weighed about 30 pounds, and stood about 3.5 feet tall. She was wearing a distinctive pair of white leggings with black-and-white polka dots and was found with a zebra-print fleece blanket that investigators believe may have been special to her. 

In the days and weeks that followed, investigators have acted on hundreds of leads and coordinated dozens of well-being checks on children locally, nationally, and internationally. To date, however, none have led to the child's identification.

Mass. DOT