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Latino Media on 'Irrationality' of GOP Racism

Elena Shore

Dec,01-2014 05:48:48
Republican Rep. Steve King, who recently suggested that many DREAMers were drug smugglers, has been criticized by the White Houseand members of his own party, including House Speaker John Boehner.

"For everyone who's a valedictorian, there's another 100 out there that weigh 130 pounds and they've got calves the size of cantaloupes because they're hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert," King said last week in an interview with Newsmax.

King was also taken to task in the Spanish-language press. In an op-ed titled "The Irrationality of Racism," columnist Humberto Caspa writes that Republicans like King aren't doing their party any favors. "Because lawmakers in the House tend to be more partisan than the Senate, immigration reform is in limbo. Which is to say, it has been kidnapped by representatives such as King, who prioritize the radical partisan interests of their constituents over the whole of their poltical party. If immigration reform, which passed in the Senate, does not get a green light in the House, Republicans' domain over states that are considered undecided will suffer irreparable consequences.

"Moreover, a majority of the American people and especially the media won't just blame Republican representatives for the failure of law; they will also criticize them for handholding racists such as King.

"In this sense,"Caspa concludes, "it isn't hard to decide on the appropriate path for conservative representatives in the House. Immigration reform is good for the country and it is vital for them to have the opportunity to return to the White House."
